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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Characterization of Corrosion Products on Steel Surfaces PDF

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Korosi memang menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang harus diselesaikan oleh para engineer khusunya engineer yang menangani ilmu logam.
saya share salah satu ebook dari Y. Waseda dan S. Suzuki
banyak banget materi di dalamnya sampe ane sendiri bingung gmna jabarinnya hehe
langsung ke tkp aja deh ya

This book entitled “Characterization of Corrosion Products on Steel Surfaces”
is published as the seventh volume in the series of “Advances in Materials
Research” edited by Professors Yoshio Waseda and Shigeru Suzuki. The book
is composed of twelve chapters, the contents of which together try both to
solve the currently important basic problems in corrosion and to contribute
to the steel making industries in the realization of substantially better process
engineering. It will contribute to society worldwide “for preventing environmental degradation” which the editors stressed as the subtitle of the book.
The book contains recent high level research results starting from the fundamental mechanism of corrosion to various measurement tools which are used
for characterization to reveal the structures of corrosion products both statically and dynamically. As series editor, I would like to thank Dr. Claus
Aschelon of Springer-Verlag, who has always had interest in and kindly taken
care of our research activity by encouraging publication in this series of books

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